« Sinds enige tijd aan het werk op de Brusselse vastgoedmarkt, onze vastgoedkantoor staat tot Uw dienst voor een professionele en hoffelijke service.
Elk pand, in ons vastgoedkantoor, wordt, voor de prijsevaluatie, door een strenge en zeer uitgediepte manier bestudeerd om op deze manier Uw woning in de beste condities en beste tijdstippen te verkopen of te verhuren.
Onze prijsevaluatie zal de eigenaars op de hoogte brengen van de juiste verkoopsprijs van hun pand om deze op een transparante en eenvoudige manier te verkopen of te verhuren.
Des te meer, door de jaren heen, hebben we een specifieke kennis opgemaakt bij het verkopen van opbrengsteigendommen, in één blok, of per appartement, ter keuze van de verkoper.
Daarbij, voor huurovereenkomsten, zullen we tezamen de huurovereenkomst opstellen, zodat deze juridisch correct is doch Uw belangen zo goed mogelijk verdedigt.
We helpen U en adviseren U graag gedurende heel het proces van verkoop of verhuring.
U kunt ons elke werkdag telefonisch bereiken op de 02/735.95.18 van 9 uur tot 18 uur. Na deze uren zal een antwoordapparaat Uw berichten opnemen en zullen we U zo snel mogelijk terugbellen. »
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in Laekenveld, 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 2 listings in Laekenveld, 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 3 listings in Laekenveld, 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 3 listings in Laekenveld, 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 3 listings in Laekenveld, 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 3 listings in Laekenveld, 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 2 listings in Laekenveld, 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 2 listings in Laekenveld, 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 3 listings in Laekenveld, 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in Laekenveld, 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Hertog Makelaars is gespecialiseerd in de verkoop en verhuur van knap residentieel vastgoed in de noordrand van Brussel. Ons kantoor beschikt over een uniek portfolio met villa’s, appartementen, bouwgronden en handelsruimtes in alle prijsklassen. Daarbij ligt de focus niet enkel op klassieke bouwwerken. Bij ons vindt u ook panden met een originele insteek. »
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in Laekenveld, 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in Laekenveld, 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in Laekenveld, 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in Laekenveld, 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in Laekenveld, 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« A Property & Pelsmaekers meer dan 35 jaar ervaring in vastgoed. We vetrekken vanuit een persoonlijke aanpak. We beschouwen uw te verkopen of te verhuren onroerend goed alsof het dat van ons is. Wij zijn sterk overtuigd dat er in deze huidige tijd naast een perfecte service nog meer nood is aan volle engagement, kennis en flexibiliteit om een succesvolle verkoop of verhuur af te ronden. Goede eindresultaten en een uitstekende communicatie met elke eigenaar om in te spelen op iedere behoefte van deze.
Naast kopen en verkopen kan u bij A Property & Pelsmaekers ook terecht voor verhuur, rentmeesterschap, plaatsbeschrijvingen (enkel nog deze vanuit het verleden) en verkavelingen en dit zowel voor residentieel als commercieel vastgoed. »
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in Laekenveld, 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in Laekenveld, 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in Laekenveld, 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in Laekenveld, 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in Laekenveld, 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Since more than 50 years, the Trevi Group has developed its activities in the whole range of the real estate services.
If we are a market leader today, it is thanks to our various specialized departments which control all aspects of real estate services.
With its departments letting and sales, new construction, real estate of prestige, residential and commercial property management and joint-property management, the Trevi Group is in a position to provide you with satisfaction in all your real estate transactions.
Moreover, eager to satisfy our customers in each area, we work with the “Trevi Partner” network acting with the same quality level of services with a common goal : satisfaction and respect of the customer. »
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Immo 2.0 wants to be dynamic, proactive but overall listening to its clients’ needs.
A rigor, professionalism, marketing and humane values. This is the cocktail we offer every morning to people that cross our estate road.
Immo 2.0 is also the marriage of deep knowledge of the job and quality advice that will turn your projects into reality.
Tell us about your projects…
We should be able to do the necessary to assure you tranquillity and a smile at the end of the transaction!
From the North to the South of Brussels, is there a question about our passion, about your house? Call us quickly and let us meet each other! »
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Claes & Willems is a family business active in the sale and rental of residential real estate, new construction projects in the Pajottenland & the southern outskirts of Brussels and exclusive properties all over Belgium. Our real estate experts, member of KAVEX (Chamber of Real Estate Experts) and our Vlabel appraiser, guarantee a correct valuation. Both managers are experienced lawyers. »
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Residency rassemble pour vous tous les outils disponibles afin de vendre avec succès votre bien immobilier. L’investissement de nos agents se fait au quotidien et vous garantit un service d’exception. Plus qu’une agence, Residency privilégie les rapports humains et le respect de votre bien.
Chez Residency nous travaillons ensemble dans le but de vendre votre bien tout en tenant compte de vos envies et de vos projets. Nous vous garantissons un service de qualité et toujours à l’écoute. Residency est à vos côtés pour réaliser vos projets et vous conseiller.
Votre bien sera présenté de manière optimale (photos professionnelles, visite virtuelle) et les désidératas des candidats-acheteurs seront également respectés (visites personnalisées sur rendez-vous, dossier complet du bien, aide juridique, suivi chez le notaire, …).
Contactez-nous vite pour une estimation gratuite de votre bien qui sera réalisée dans les plus brefs délais et… avec le sourire! »
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Wellimmo staat voor een uitgebreid gamma aan diensten die we aan onze cliënten op een serene en professionele manier wensen aan te bieden. Bij wellimmo geloven we in het geheel en niet in de deeltjes apart. »
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Ifac Service was established in 1978. Thirty years later, it is the largest real estate agency in the region. We have an office in the centre of Tervuren, where you can always walk in for free and objective information about any real-estate related topic.
For an in-depth discussion of your real estate projects, we would like to invite you to make an appointment: 0032 (0)2 767 14 14. »
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« J&J Properties is a real estate agency who wants to be close to its customer. We have a human structure and a highly developed network. The company is mainly engaged in the brokerage and management of residential properties with character. We operate more in the south and south-east of Brussels and in Brabant Walloon.
To serve you better, our service line comes in four main areas: brokerage, new constructions, management and investment. A dynamic and specialized team deals with you the best solutions to optimize the sale/rent, management or research of your property.
Passion, dynamism and discretion are the key words at J&J Properties. Our main qualities are being very responsive and available. Passionate about our business, we place our energy to the owner’s interest.
We will be happy to explain to you how we work. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.
Looking forward to meeting you!
J&J Properties’ Team »
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
Notre agence immobilière offre de nombreux services immobiliers.
Vous êtes propriétaire, vous désirez vendre ou louer ?
Nous évaluerons votre bien à sa valeur réelle
Nous vous conseillerons sur les démarches nécessaires (notamment la certification PEB, l’agrégation électrique…)
Nous diffuserons l’annonce de vente ou de location (affiches, site web)
Nous organiserons les visites
Nous vous fournirons un rapport complet
Vous êtes candidat acheteur ou candidat locataire ?
Nous définirons vos critères de recherche
Nous vous présenterons une liste de biens correspondants
Nous visiterons les biens avec vous
Nous vous conseillerons sur les obligations légales
Nous vous tiendrons au courant de tout nouveau bien qui pourrait vous intéresser
Nous pouvons également :
Prendre en charge la gestion locative d’immeubles (syndic)
Conseiller les investisseurs sur des projets d’immeubles »
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
Brussels-Capital Region · Molenbeek-Saint-Jean · 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean · Laekenveld