« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 5 listings in Basilique, 1081 Koekelberg. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 4 listings in Basilique, 1081 Koekelberg. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 3 listings in Basilique, 1081 Koekelberg. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 3 listings in Basilique, 1081 Koekelberg. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in Basilique, 1081 Koekelberg. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in Basilique, 1081 Koekelberg. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 2 listings in Basilique, 1081 Koekelberg. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in Basilique, 1081 Koekelberg. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in Basilique, 1081 Koekelberg. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in Basilique, 1081 Koekelberg. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in Basilique, 1081 Koekelberg. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in Basilique, 1081 Koekelberg. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in Basilique, 1081 Koekelberg. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in Basilique, 1081 Koekelberg. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in Basilique, 1081 Koekelberg. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 3 listings in Basilique, 1081 Koekelberg. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Sinds enige tijd aan het werk op de Brusselse vastgoedmarkt, onze vastgoedkantoor staat tot Uw dienst voor een professionele en hoffelijke service.
Elk pand, in ons vastgoedkantoor, wordt, voor de prijsevaluatie, door een strenge en zeer uitgediepte manier bestudeerd om op deze manier Uw woning in de beste condities en beste tijdstippen te verkopen of te verhuren.
Onze prijsevaluatie zal de eigenaars op de hoogte brengen van de juiste verkoopsprijs van hun pand om deze op een transparante en eenvoudige manier te verkopen of te verhuren.
Des te meer, door de jaren heen, hebben we een specifieke kennis opgemaakt bij het verkopen van opbrengsteigendommen, in één blok, of per appartement, ter keuze van de verkoper.
Daarbij, voor huurovereenkomsten, zullen we tezamen de huurovereenkomst opstellen, zodat deze juridisch correct is doch Uw belangen zo goed mogelijk verdedigt.
We helpen U en adviseren U graag gedurende heel het proces van verkoop of verhuring.
U kunt ons elke werkdag telefonisch bereiken op de 02/735.95.18 van 9 uur tot 18 uur. Na deze uren zal een antwoordapparaat Uw berichten opnemen en zullen we U zo snel mogelijk terugbellen. »
« Immo Groot Leeuw is a dynamic venture which concentrates on real estate in Pajottenland and the West of Brussels. By offering a 'all-in-one' service, IGL built an extensive network of satisfied customers and investors. Whom, of course, we gladly help with every question concerning real estate (acquisition, rent, managment, insurance, syndicate, construction, ...).
This global know-how, combined with a personal approach to our clients are decisive to build up a confidential businessrelation and to guarantee a successful collaboration!
Anymore questions? Don't hesitate to pass by! »
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Kasper & Kent provides real estate marketing and mediation. We're not just an estate agent or a marketing agency, we're not just home stagers or home stylers: we're all of these things, rolled into one. A full service property agency with all the in-house resources required for the optimal sale or rental of a house or project. We are located in Sterrebeek with offices in Zaventem/Diegem and are active within the entire green belt perimeter of Brussels. »
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« RealtyCare mobilise ses ressources et expertises au service de VOS PROJETS IMMOBILIERS.
Avec un savoir-faire de plus de 20 ans, RealtyCare a acquis de solides compétences dans la gestion locative et le développement de patrimoine immobilier. »
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 2 listings in Basilique, 1081 Koekelberg. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
Al onze medewerkers zijn door het BIV erkende vastgoedmakelaars. Ze hebben stuk voor stuk diepgaande juridische kennis en vastgoedexpertise en hebben de juiste commerciële inzet. Bovendien kennen we allemaal onze streek als geen ander. Door de jaren heen bouwden we een enorme database op van mensen die op zoek zijn naar een nieuwe woning.
Als wij je droomhuis niet in portefeuille hebben, gaan we samen met jou op zoek. We kennen de streek door en door en weten waar het fijn wonen is.
Je hebt enkele eigendommen die je verhuurt, maar is het dagelijks beheer en de opvolging er voor jou te veel aan? Ook dan kan je bij ons terecht. Ons team beschikt over alle nodige competenties om alle zorgen van jou over te nemen.
Je hebt een mooi perceel liggen en je wou er altijd al iets mee doen, maar het kwam er nooit van? Kom gerust eens langs en wij onderzoeken de mogelijkheden. »
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in Basilique, 1081 Koekelberg. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Real Estate with more than 30 years experience. »
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in Basilique, 1081 Koekelberg. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in Basilique, 1081 Koekelberg. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in Basilique, 1081 Koekelberg. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in Basilique, 1081 Koekelberg. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« In the past last 24 months, our agency has sold 1 listing in Basilique, 1081 Koekelberg. Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« BePark is an innovative parking provider which services are based on the latest mobile and web technologies. »
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
« Are you looking for a real estate professional to assist you in selling your home? Do not hesitate to contact us.»
Brussels-Capital Region · Koekelberg · 1081 Koekelberg · Basilique