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Plus points
Unique, characterful home with timeless appeal and located in a cul-de-sac
beautiful view over the fields
3 rooms and office
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This beautiful home exudes character and authenticity and is located on a plot of 8a22ca near the centre of Meise. The property is located in a quiet, residential area on a cul-de-sac. You enjoy an ideal location here near schools, shops, park and public transport. The proximity of major approach roads also provides excellent access to Brussels and surrounding regions.The large windows provide an abundance of natural light, and access to 2 terraces lets you choose whether to enjoy the morning sun at the front or the evening sun at the back.. The modern equipped kitchen with dining area gives direct access to the garden with terrace. An added advantage to this property is the view into the garden. The neighbouring plots are agricultural which means you can only see nature and agriculture in the distance. On the ground floor, the house has a bright living room, a modern kitchen with dining area and a desk. Here we also find a spacious garage and an extra storage room with toilet. On the 1st floor, we find 3 bedrooms (one which a terrace) and a bathroom.
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Lot size | 857m2 |
Parcel width | 16m |
Parcel depth | 52m |
Estimated garden area | 761m2 |
Coordinates | 50°56'12.9"N 4°20' 37.4"E |
Backside/Garden orientation | North |
Building placement | Detached |
P-Score | A: No flooding modeled |
G-Score | A: No flooding modeled |
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