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Open days Wednesday 08/01 and Saturday 11/01 by appointment
Price from 325,000 euros
This character house in rustic style is located in a quiet, pleasant residential area, with easy access to stores, schools and the E40.
The first floor comprises a large living room, a dining room opening onto the large kitchen, a bathroom, a separate toilet and a storage room.
The FIRST FLOOR has 2 bedrooms.
The rear terrace offers a beautiful rural view over the south-facing garden.
To the right of the house, planning permission has already been applied for to build a double garage with carport and office space.
Planningpermission/information on request!
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This information is purely informative and we cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies.
The living area is given as an indication only.
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Lot size | 706m2 |
Parcel width | 41m |
Coordinates | 50°56'57.3"N 3°52' 27.9"E |
Flood-prone area | Not in flood-prone area |
P-Score | A: No flooding modeled |
G-Score | A: No flooding modeled |
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