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Beautiful, bright apartment to refurbish on the 3rd floor. Spacious entrance hall with separate toilet. Living (35m²) with large windows and parquet floor. Kitchen with basic equipment. Large bedroom and bathroom (bathtub and sink). Terrace (8m²) at the rear. Storage attic (7m²) in the building. Good location, close to public transport, shops, access roads and parks.
Property type | Flat |
Bathrooms | 1 |
Bedrooms | 1 |
Habitable area | 85m2 |
Floor | 3 |
Heating type | Gas |
Cadastral income | € 1.125 |
EPC value | 370kwh/m2 (g) |
Energy classification | G |
Find more features on the website of the seller |
Coordinates | 50°52'41.6"N 4°23' 11.6"E |
Flood-prone area | Not in flood-prone area |
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