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Beautiful and bright apartment on the 7th floor with a nice and unobstructed view on the Square Marie-Louise. Entrance hall with fitted cupboards. Large living room with view, fitted kitchen with washing machine, night hall with storage room, 3 bedrooms with one of which overlooks the rear terrace, bathroom with bath and double sink. Separate toilet and private cellar. Very well located near the European Commission, public transport and shops. Students flat-sharing not accepted. Immediately available and for long-term rental. To be discovered!
Property type | Flat |
Bathrooms | 1 |
Bedrooms | 3 |
Habitable area | 98m2 |
Floors | 10 |
Floor | 7 |
Heating type | Gas |
EPC value | 177kwh/m2 (d) |
Energy classification | D |
Monthly charges | € 250/month |
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