Located on the 6th floor, this apartment features a bright living room, two bedrooms, 2 terraces, a cellar and a garage. You'll benefit from a prime location, close to Liège city center, public transport and freeways. Rent: €830/month.
Provision for charges: 120€/month (utilities, heating). Immediately available. Information given for information only and non-contractual.
Property type | Flat |
Bathrooms | 1 |
Bedrooms | 2 |
Habitable area | 91m2 |
CPEB | 147kwh/m2 |
CPEB-value yearly | 13436kwh/y |
CPEB certificate number | 20191106014789 |
Coordinates | 50°38'52.4"N 5°35' 24.8"E |
Flood-prone area | Possible flood-prone area |
This property has an excellent mobility score, based on the distance to nearby amenities.
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