Het begijnhof behorend tot het straattype is gelegen binnen de oude stadsmuren, bij de Moerepoort en wordt aan één zijde begrensd door de Jeker (gebetonneerd).
In de loop van de 19de eeuw werd het besloten karakter opengebroken en werden meerdere huizen gesloopt. De resterende huizen opgetrokken in Maaslandse stijl dateren hoofdzakelijk uit de 17de en 18de eeuw.
Beschermingdossier DL000209
Real Estate Inventory
Property type | Property |
Lot size | 89m2 |
Parcel width | 6,4m |
Parcel depth | 14m |
Estimated garden area | 25m2 |
Coordinates | 50°46'43.3"N 5°28' 5.1"E |
Backside/Garden orientation | North-East |
Building placement | Terraced |
Flood-prone area | Possible flood-prone area |
P-Score | B: Low probability of flooding under climate change (sc2050) |
G-Score | B: Low probability of flooding under climate change (sc2050) |
Estimate your property online. Find a real estate professional to assist you or receive the estimation report for the property at Onder de Linde 16, Tongeren-Centrum, Tongeren (3700).
Get the Estimate ReportThis property has an excellent mobility score, based on the distance to nearby amenities.
Buildings within 100m | 28 |
Buildings within 500m | 474 |
Distance from street | 2m |
Open view | No |
Estimate your property online. Find a real estate professional to assist you or receive the estimation report for the property at Onder de Linde 16, 3700 Tongeren.
Estimate your property online. Find a real estate professional to assist you or receive the estimation report. Each report includes local market trends, neighborhood information, and recent sales and rentals nearby. Order online, and you can immediately download your report.
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