appartement in rustige doodlopende straat, 150m van kerk, parkeermogelijkheid in de straat, alle winkels en scholen op wandelafstand, Sleinse meersen op wandelafstand. Aparte ingang, geen vaste kosten, 2 slaapkamers, badkamer, apart toilet, living met ruime open keuken, kleine berging, washoek, groot terras met directe toegang tot de eigen garage
Coordinates | 51°7'54.2"N 3°40' 52.7"E |
Building placement | Semi-detached |
Flood-prone area | Not in flood-prone area |
P-Score | B: Low probability of flooding under climate change (sc2050) |
G-Score | B: Low probability of flooding under climate change (sc2050) |
This property has an average mobility score, based on the distance to nearby amenities.
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