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This bright apartment is located on the 6th floor and is accessible by elevator and stairs. You enter the apartment from the entrance hall, which has a fitted checkroom and storage space. From here you enter the bright living space on original mosaic parquet. This living space opens onto a cozy terrace along the bustling street side. The kitchen is separate and includes a dishwasher, gas stove, refrigerator with freezer and a combi oven. Furthermore, there is a spacious bedroom, where the electric shutters can completely darken the room. Finally, there is a bathroom with subway tiles, with sink, mirror, bathtub and toilet. Being located on the highest floor, the apartment is bathed in a sea of light! Ideal for those who like to live in thecity center but still wish to come home in peace and quiet. The common charges are 150 euros/month for private water and heat consumption and maintenance of the building.
For more info: www.quares.be More info: immo.quares.be/en/
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