This beautiful family home in Diepenbeek has everything you need. With five bedrooms and one bathroom, there is plenty of space for the whole family. Relax on the terrace while the kids play in the large garden, measuring 1278.58 square metres. There is a garage and outside parking available, so you never have to worry about parking. This property has a habitable surface of 250 square metres, providing ample space for family gatherings and social events. This stunning home is for sale for only €395,000.00.
Facade width | 7,1m |
Lot size | 852m2 |
Parcel width | 19m |
Parcel depth | 44m |
Estimated garden area | 662m2 |
Coordinates | 50°54'53.9"N 5°27' 40.5"E |
Backside/Garden orientation | South-East |
Building placement | Detached |
P-Score | A: No flooding modeled |
G-Score | A: No flooding modeled |
This property has an average mobility score, based on the distance to nearby amenities.
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