ERA De Piramide (Diest)


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ERA De Piramide (Diest)

  • General information

  • About

    ERA De Piramide is thuis in alle facetten van de transactie van onroerend goed. We begeleiden u graag bij:
    - Bemiddeling bij verkoop en bij verhuur
    - Advies bij vastgoed- en beleggingsprojecten
    - Rentmeesterschap (verhuren zonder zorgen)
    - Plaatsbeschrijvingen
    - Waardebepalingen en vergelijkende marktanalyses
    - Aanvraag van alle nodige attesten, certificaten, vergunningen en keuringen
    - Verkavelingen en wegenontwerpen
    - Grensbepalingen en opmetingen

  • Reviews 69

    • Ruben Saelmans in 2024 via Google
      • + Hilde is a top real estate agent! Super friendly and always quickly accessible. Clear communication and always honest advice. Recommended!
    • surendra meka in 2024 via Google
      • + Catrien Roosen helped us buy our dream house. Thanks to ERA for helping us buy the property and for their constant support through out the purchase process.
    • Joy Cooke in 2024 via Google
      • + Received a lot of help explaining what papers we still need to complete and how. How everything can run smoothly, we were allowed to disturb them as much as we wanted with all our questions. Very happy with our house and grateful for all the help ☺️
    • Kris HxC in 2024 via Google
      • + Super smooth and correct sale. With many thanks to real estate agent Mario 🙏👌
    • Xan Reynaert in 2024 via Google
      • + My girlfriend and I bought a house with the help of real estate 'ERA'. This collaboration was very professional and warm from the first contact, both by telephone and physically. Our contact with real estate agent 'Catrien' was responsive, warm, helpful and confidential! The procedures went as desired and, regardless of the time, we were always available for further questions by telephone or email. We had good and direct contact with the broker through both parties! As a couple we were very happy with the process!
    Add a review
  • Listings 3

    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +

    Active listings 3

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