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•Ready to move in
•Underground garage box to purchase for €25,000
Centrally located in Grimbergen, this flat is equipped with all comforts. Are you looking for your first purchase, an investment, or has your home become too big? Then this is the ideal place for you! In Huis ten Halve, centrally located between shops, close to public transport and close to Grimbergen fields, we find this ready-to-use flat. It is a one-bedroom flat with a gross surface area of 91m² and a cosy terrace of +/- 5m². The building has an underground car park where the garage box is located. So parking is definitely not a problem either.
Find more features on the website of the seller |
Coordinates | 50°55'31.8"N 4°23' 40.1"E |
P-Score | A: No flooding modeled |
G-Score | A: No flooding modeled |
This property has a good mobility score, based on the distance to nearby amenities.
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