ERA Châtelain


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ERA Châtelain

  • General information

  • About

    ERA est leader du marché et nous en sommes fiers. Personne ne réalise plus de transactions par jour. Mais surtout, personne ne rend plus de Belges satisfaits par la vente ou l'achat de leur maison. Avec nos bureaux locaux, nous pouvons dire en toute confiance qu'aucune autre entreprise immobilière ne connaît aussi bien les sensibilités et les nuances du marché local. Et nos clients en bénéficient, car notre connaissance de leur quartier assure une vente plus rapide au juste prix.

    Nous comprenons mieux que quiconque qu'une maison est un foyer. Là où vous vivez. Là où vous grandissez. Là où vous trouvez le bonheur et la paix. Une maison est, outre une histoire de sous, encore plus une histoire de personnes. C'est pourquoi nous mettons toujours nos clients au centre. Leurs préoccupations sont nos préoccupations. Être expert ne signifie pas être distant. Être efficace ne signifie pas être rigide. Avoir de la détermination ne signifie pas être froid. Nous le prouvons chaque jour.

  • Reviews 488

    • Joel Ludvigsen in 2024 via Google
      • + Arthur Delaude found a very nice family to rent our house. Arthur communicated well at all times and was diligent in his efforts to find good renters. I will definitely work with Arthur and ERA Chatelain again in the future.
    • Bernice Vijgen in 2023 via Google
      • - The owner of this Immo office Marco owns several houses he is renting out using Era Chatelain for the organisational part, but is a big scammer, taking your deposit money for ridiculous reasons. Avoid Era Chatelain at all costs if you’re looking for a house!
    • Karolina Hjers in 2023 via Google
      • + I recently bought an apartment sold by ERA Chatelain. Although representing the Seller, Ms Stephanie Terroir was very accommodating and professional. Easily available and she was also able to give good advice on renovations etc. I would recommend Ms Terroir for future real estate business.
      • - They send email notifications with proposals that do not exist. I called them right after I received an era proposal, firstly they said different prices than the one in the advertisement, secondly they said the appartement is already rented. Not trustworthy to me. Last but not least, when searching on sites with houses for renting you may find much better suggestions by the same office than the ones they send via their email list. I give 2 star just because they were polite.
    • sara livrieri in 2023 via Google
      • + My experience with Era Chatelain was great. I was assisted by Mr Van Aerschot, the most cordial agent, who was always available and reactive every time I contacted him, ready to listen to my needs but also providing professional advice which turned out to be successful and right. Very good photo shoot, extremely kind and pleasant agent, I was very satisfied with the agency and his employees.
    Add a review
  • Listings 137

    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +

    Active listings 137

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