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  • General information

  • About

    Hyboma is een algemene aannemer, al 2 generaties lang actief in de private woningbouw en appartementsbouw. Sinds 1968 bouwt Hyboma duurzame en kwalitatieve woningen binnen de stijl, afwerking en het comfortniveau waarbij u zich goed voelt. Want als veeleisende bouwheer geniet u bij ons de beste waarborg op een betaalbare woning die aan al uw noden en wensen voldoet!
    Hyboma biedt ook aantrekkelijke beleggingsprojecten voor wie in vastgoed wilt beleggen.

  • Reviews 56

    • Ellen Coenen in 2024 via Google
      • - We certainly cannot recommend this company. Building with Hyboma has caused us a lot of stress. Hyboma made every effort to keep us informed of the construction works. Communication was very poor. If the company planned something for someone to come by, they would only let us know the day before, after first calling to see what was going on. We didn't know anything until we asked ourselves. Many promises from Hyboma, but implementation took a long time or not at all. The plasterwork was not in order, very crooked walls, windows full of stains that they never cleaned and many other things to mention that were not in order. Ultimately we can conclude that they are not telling the truth and this was and still is a very stressful period, because after almost a year things are still not right. Constantly calling the service after delivery did not help either. They referred to the project leader and he in turn to this service. The fact is that no one is addressing the problems nor really listening to us. Internal communication is therefore just chaos, because they constantly refer to each other. They only gave excuses, but no solution.
    • Joris Devreese in 2024 via Google
      • - In the beginning everything went smoothly until the construction of our custom house actually started.. Unfortunately, we encountered several problems during our construction project with Hyboma. The day before delivery, everything was still not in order. Unfortunately, we were too naive to believe that everything would be fine the next day. Six months later, we are still waiting for certain things. The quality and placement of the blue facade brick was absolutely not as agreed. After almost a year of promises to solve the problems, Hyboma finally claims that there is suddenly nothing wrong and refuses previous promises regarding. replacements to be fulfilled. In addition, the roof tiles were installed 5 months too late, which resulted in months of leaks through the insulation, as well as holes in the vapor barrier. Hyboma makes many promises, but often does not keep them. Communication was absolutely substandard throughout the entire construction process and arranging matters with the service after delivery was also not easy. Our experience with Hyboma is disappointing and unfortunately we cannot recommend this company. It's very unfortunate that you just can't trust that everything will be okay. Potential new customers should be aware that Hyboma scores absolutely below average in terms of communication and keeping agreements. In response to Hyboma's generic responses among negative reviews that suggest contacting customer service directly: we have done this several times, without much result. We do not need a generic answer that refers us to a service that makes little effort.
    • Patricia Wittebrood in 2024 via Google
      • + We would like to especially thank Janne for her friendly guidance during the purchase of the apartment in Residence Nys. We are still in the initial phase of the agreement, but are very satisfied so far with the way of working and all the beauty that the apartment has to offer. Thank you Hyboma…and Janne!
    • Tony Goethals in 2024 via Google
      • - We bought an open-plan building with a pointed roof. We have a lot of noise and cold in the 1st floor bedroom. It now appears that the insulation does not touch the wall plate, so the roof insulation does not connect to the cavity wall insulation. Pay attention to this when you buy. I called Nazr's architect, he said. I saw this upon delivery and said nothing to me. He and she call the site manager. I said this and asked that I do this work myself if you give me some insulation. Zak thinks this is very lame, which I also find strange about Hiboma, they calculate your flow rate from the large gas boiler, but they say this is not sufficient, you should take a larger one, 1500 euros more, I did not do this, occasionally cold water, too bad I have already done the attic and it is perfect no noise. And no more cold, be very careful when you build with Hiboma
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  • Listings 28

    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
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    Active listings 28

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