The apartment was built in 1997 and is located on Bocholterweg 4 bus 4 in Grote Brogel.
It is heated by natural gas central heating and the wooden windows have double glazing. The gas boiler was replaced in 2022.
-entrance hall with guest toilet.
- living space
- kitchen kitchen with adjoining storage. There is a stove in the kitchen
- storage
- 2 bedrooms
- bathroom
In the summer, you can enjoy the lovely communal garden with a southern orientation.
A carport, communal bicycle shed and communal basement complete the whole thing.
Coordinates | 51°9'16.6"N 5°30' 24.2"E |
P-Score | A: No flooding modeled |
G-Score | A: No flooding modeled |
This property has an average mobility score, based on the distance to nearby amenities.
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