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BOIS DE LA CAMBRE - Bathim & co presents a charming 2 bedrooms apartment. Ideally located a stone's throw from the Bois de la Cambre on the ground floor of a superb art-deco building from 1930, this spacious 2-bedroom apartment, completely and tastefully renovated, is composed of an entrance hall, living room and dining room. dining room with fully equipped and high standard open kitchen, and two spacious bedrooms.
Bathroom with bathtub and shower, separate toilet. Broken wood flooring. PEB E-. Double glazing. Possibility of purchasing a parking space. Approximate measurements To visit with Sébastien de Bathim. 0474 / 92 03 60 or click here
Property type | Flat |
Bathrooms | 2 |
Bedrooms | 2 |
Habitable area | 150m2 |
Year built | 1930 |
Floors | 8 |
Floor | 1 |
Heating type | Gas |
EPC value | 236kwh/m2 (e) |
Energy classification | E |
CO2 emissions | 46 kg/m2 |
Flood-prone area | Not in flood-prone area |
Available from | 01/07/24 |
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