retail park provides a mix of retail space with partly experience activities such as the super jump. The mix accommodate convenience, shopping, leisure and showroom concepts. The variety of surfaces and layout of parking in line with the specific needs of the customer. the retail park exudes quality. That commitment to quality can be found in the façade materials used, the construction of parking and many other details.
The site is directly accessible from the Antwerpseweg. E é n common entrance with clear signage makes for easy access. The high walls and attractive architecture make it completely irresistible hotspot for any inquisitive shopper
Yellow park:
Very well located along the Antwerpseweg
10 retail units with a total gross lettable area of 13.240m ²
Each unit is minimum 1000m ²
Contemporary architecture
Direct access
Large parking functionally distributed about the site, partially covered (under building C) of parking spaces (parking lots +/- 300)
The central building Yellow Park provides a unique look.
Rental prices on request
Property type | Business |
This property has an average mobility score, based on the distance to nearby amenities.
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