Swevers Real Estate - HASSELT


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Swevers Real Estate - HASSELT

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  • About

    Thuiskomen in het prachtige Limburg? Met een makelaar met een passie voor wonen zit u altijd aan het juiste adres.

    Swevers Real Estate werd opgericht in 2003 en groeide uit tot de marktleider in Limburgs Vastgoed. Of het nu gaat over een woning, appartement, bouwgrond of bedrijfsgebouw, het is onze missie om u volledig te ontzorgen. In volledige transparantie en alle eerlijkheid werken we samen naar het gewenste resultaat. Uw tevredenheid is onze drijfveer.

  • Reviews 30

    • Eric Bortels in 2023 via Google
      • + Hans and us clicked during the introductory meeting. During the tour of our home, he went over the various options available to potential buyers to make adjustments, if necessary, to furnish the house according to their wishes. He also provided us with an extensive file with a correct valuation. We chose Hans from 4 brokers because he not only took our wishes into account, but also had an eye for the possible wishes/possibilities of future owners. All this resulted in a quick sale. Thank you Hans for the trust and good cooperation.
    • Liliane Leenaers in 2023 via Google
      • + Thank you real estate agency Swevers. Thank you Hans Roosen (our salesman). You sold our property quickly at the correct price. The contact was great. The administration was taken care of very well by you Hans. Thank you very much. Highly recommended for us.
    • Anne Beerten in 2023 via Google
      • + I bought a house and sold my current house with the help of Immo Swevers. Professionally guided by Anke Cuypers from start (estimation of own home) to end (sale of own home). Top real estate agent with expert knowledge and a personal approach tailored to the buyer/seller. Always friendly and patient. It was very pleasant doing business with her. Thank you very much, Anne Beerten
    • Bert Vandeput in 2022 via Google
      • + Incredible! Our house was sold in 2 days. This is thanks to the perfectly professional preparation of Hans and his team. In a casual, friendly atmosphere, they took care of requesting the necessary certificates and creating a beautiful and pleasantly readable layout for the advertisement on the website. In short: we couldn't imagine it better.
    • Fabienne Francotte in 2022 via Google
      • + Very satisfied with the sale of my parents-in-law's 2 houses. Everyone wants to get more, but they went for fair prices. Real estate agent Raph has done his job very well. I am personally most satisfied with the approach of Lotte, the secretary who handles all the paperwork and more. Lotte, you deserve a compliment and a raise, because of your excellent guidance and help in everything that needs to be done regarding the sale of houses, from deeds to renovation. You are great!!! Everyone at Swevers Marc deserves a big thank you for the pleasant and successful collaboration
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