Royale Immo


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Royale Immo

  • General information

  • About

    Century 21 Royale, votre agence immobilière à Bruxelles.
    Vente, location ou une estimation ? N’hésitez plus et contactez-nous !
    Pour une estimation gratuite de votre bien et ce sans engagement !

    Nos bureaux vous accueillent du lundi au vendredi de 09h30 à 18h00, le samedi sur rendez-vous de 10h00 à 14h00.

    Nous nous réjouissons d'avance de faire votre connaissance.

    L'équipe CENTURY 21 Royale

  • Reviews 34

    • Monia Gandibleux in 2023 via Google
      • + It is always a risky moment to choose the agency to assist you in the sale of your property Don't want to be scammed, want to be able to trust And that's exactly what happened! Many thanks to the team and special mention to Hicham. It's amazing how safe and intelligently supported my tribe and I were throughout the sale. thank you so much
    • Christian De Cock in 2023 via Google
      • - This agency does not verify the necessary documents such as PCE, EPB, electricity conformity certificate and other certificates. Renovations are not verified. In their publicity they are described as in order and satisfactory, despite pointing out errors. Contact between seller and new owner is refused in both directions by the agency. The agency's intermediary function is incorrect. Personal experience from Mr Julien Cocq: absolutely to avoid, lies, insists on compromise, signs, deed,... documents will be there at the time of deed, but ;;; not true and;;;; A compromise has been signed in the meantime. None of that is true. Scam. The new windows in my case have never been installed since 1993, nor have the presence of an alarm, air conditioning.... Don't be fooled!!! Stop all contact with this agency. Take legal action!!!
    • Joeri Bruggeman in 2023 via Google
      • - Unfortunately, despite the positive reviews (on the basis of which I entered into the collaboration), working with Century21 turned out to be one big joke for me. They forgot to place the advertisement online, it also turned out to be full of errors, - despite the nice promises - no update was ever given on the state of affairs, during the absence of my contact person it turned out that no backup was provided. (I was also not informed of his absence), the photos that were taken were of very questionable quality... Actually, nothing went as it was suggested to me when I contacted them. I fell into their trap with my eyes open and it cost me a lot of money. Next time I will at least think twice before doing business with a real estate agency. When I finally put the advertisement online myself, after a few days there were already 7 candidates to rent the property. In other words, I have lost a lot of valuable time and therefore money by offering this opportunity to Century21 Royale. Very unfortunate. And whether they learned from it? I fear it. Everything starts with making an effort.
    • Florence Akoun in 2023 via Google
      • + Wishing to sell a property and not residing there, I spontaneously entered this local agency. The person who received me, Mr. Al Hotmani, immediately accompanied me for a visit and an estimate. He took care of everything and in less than a month the property was sold at the estimated price. Several offers were received and numerous visits carried out but all this was transparent to me, I just handed over the keys and signed the contract. In short, the kind of quality of service that we always hope for but rarely receive. Well done!
    • Mattia Pisetta in 2022 via Google
      • + I thank Julien for following up from A to Z in the sale of my apartment, as well as for his easy communication, his availability and his good advice. Apartment sold quickly and exactly at the price estimated by the agency (price which was already in the high estimates).
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  • Listings 68

    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +

    Active listings 68

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