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    Onze goed geoliede structuur en het talent van onze medewerkers leveren een aantoonbaar beter plan op. Daarin gaan esthetisch gevoel en analytische geest samen om het beste antwoord te geven aan uw woonwensen en meer. Ons team van uw specialisten blijft waken over de vele aspecten zoals design en ruimte, functionaliteit en comfort, techniek en duurzaamheid. Er is professionele aandacht voor elk onderdeel, ook als u het niet zelf ter sprake brengt. En de woning is klaar zoals afgesproken en voor de evolutie van u, als bewoner.

  • Reviews 25

    • Bert in 2023 via Google
      • + Update June 2023: Some time has passed since the first review, and we have a new contact person, so here's an update. After the change of contact person (the previous one no longer responded to anything), most matters were followed up a lot better. With some patience and activity on our part, the outstanding issues have been resolved. Most cases within a reasonable period, with some subcontractors this took months (or more). Tip for buyers: do not try to limit the conversation to just an (external) real estate salesperson, but get to know the contact person who will effectively monitor the project and wait to see if that feels right. Original review: We were quickly convinced of the plans, and the construction itself went well. Of course there were small mistakes or unforeseen costs, but that is expected with a large project (after all, a house is a complex thing) and that remained within limits. Our contact person was friendly and very responsive. After delivery, this quickly became a different story: emails went unanswered for weeks or months, promises were broken (even things that were on paper) and you really can't reach anyone by phone. If it does work and a term is agreed to come back on something, then you cannot rely on it. We fully understand temporary crowds or a forgotten email, but in this case something becomes structural that multiple buyers experience.
    • Hendrik Schauvlieghe in 2023 via Google
      • - First and foremost, there are many reviews from employees at this company (Bart Coppens bv.). This makes it easy to get a good score. Using this company to build our new construction is the biggest mistake of my life. However, the company has a good name in the Waasmunster area. The seller was fantastic. The story and concept he presented was correct. Unfortunately it was only on paper. From that moment on everything went wrong. Project managers who have 15 sites, site managers unavailable and no way to get people on the phone. Like Lucky Luke shooting faster than his shadow, here you get your bill way before anything gets done. Extra work is not discussed and you receive an invoice with a fork written on it. Quality is something that is no longer high on the priority list. Apparently since one of the managers left. Then the quality. The basement could not be closed for months (problems every time), the roof turned out to be leaking and the windows were crooked. Facade stone had to be cleaned upon delivery and construction took 9 months too long. They did not want to pay compensation (Corona) and the invoices kept coming. In addition, a large index without announcement or good communication. Upon delivery, an incomplete PID and required certificates not provided. During the final delivery, maintain that everything was there. First sign the deposit and then they issue the final certificates. Clear case of BLACKMAIL. Blackmail was actually at the heart of the process. Constantly threatening not to go any further.
    • Lena mécène in 2023 via Google
      • + Elbeko guided me very well in realizing my home. They really listened to what I find important and shared their expertise. I could contact them for all my questions.
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